Center for Social Research New Book

On Tuesday, February 13 Gary Lamb, Director of Center for Social Research, is releasing his anticipated book On the Wings of Words: Conversations and Human Relations: Inner Aspects of the Fundamental Social Law and The Threefold Social Organism. In this volume, Lamb...

Perlas US & Canada Tour Schedule

Nicanor Perlas, an expert on the challenges and benefits of Artificial Intelligence and author of Humanity’s Last Stand, is on a North American lecture and workshop tour. He will be at Hawthorne Valley on June 21 & 22 for a lecture and workshop and will also visit...

Upcoming Talks: Local and On-the-Road

LOCAL TALKS December 7-9, Freedom and Destiny in the Age of Artificial Intelligence: Third Annual Retreat Chestnut Ridge, NY 3rd Annual Technology Retreat 3:45 pm, Friday, December 7 to 12:30 pm, Sunday, December 9 Chestnut Ridge, NY An Exploration of Ethical...

Initial Crowd Funding Appeal a Success!

We are pleased to say that our $5,000 crowd funding appeal for the Ethical Technology Initiative was a success. This is the first part of our overall goal of $15,000, which will be matched in $5,000 increments. We will be receiving the first $5,000 installment in...